Archive for January, 2014

Brave New Lego World: day CXCIV: 5610 Builder + 5611 Public Works + 7246 Mini Digger GET!

January 27, 2014

Day 194, 26/08/2013:

I was looking over my backlog of Lego sets that are no longer available at stores that I’d like to buy, and decided to get several smaller, cheaper sets. Considering the developing nature of my Lego City city, I figured the following sets would be good to have around as I built the city. The 2008 5610 Builder should ensure buildings get built properly:

Lego City 5610 Builder

Lego City 5610 Builder

Nothing much to it but would look great at a construction site or on the side of the road working “hard” like real council workers.

Lego City 5610 Builder- back

Lego City 5610 Builder- back

Rare shot of the builder doing something.

I’ve already planned the placement for the shop front from the 2010 7848 Toys R Us City Truck set and wanted to have a large dumpster to the side. I was going to make one when I stumbled upon the 2008 5611 Public Works set:

Lego City 5611 Public Works

Lego City 5611 Public Works

Admittedly, the dumpsters quite small and bright orange but I can easily put this somewhere else (like a park or a camping area) and just design my own one! \o/ And the back shows the guy takin’ out the trash (aw yeah):

Lego City 5611 Public Works- back

Lego City 5611 Public Works- back

And of course, can’t go digging stuff without the classic 2005 7246 Mini Digger:

Lego City 7246 Mini Digger

Lego City 7246 Mini Digger

This has to be the oldest set I have (2005) and was released as the first Lego City sets back in 2005. With 2015 around the corner, it won’t be long before Lego City celebrates it’s 10th-year anniversary! Whilst I already have several construction sets from 2012, this was a different design and thought it would be nice to add to the collection.

Lego City 7246 Mini Digger- back

Lego City 7246 Mini Digger- back

The box designs from 2005 haven’t really changed much, though it is missing Mr “Hey!” on the back.

Brave New Lego World: day CLXXXVI: 60013 Coast Guard Helicopter + 60023 City Starter-set GET!

January 27, 2014

Day 186, 18/08/2013:

My local Big W was having a sale on Lego, so a quick trip there netted me the 2013 60013 Coast Guard Helicopter:

Lego City 60013 Coast Guard Helicopter

Lego City 60013 Coast Guard Helicopter

This is somewhat similar to the 60010 Fire Helicopter released earlier in the year in that they both have a retractable winch, though obviously, the 60013 set comes with something water-themed (wind sail) as opposed to fire-themed (burning refuelling station).

Lego City 60013 Coast Guard Helicopter- back

Lego City 60013 Coast Guard Helicopter- back

This set also marks my first shark, and a white one at that!

The other set I picked up is quite applicable to my Lego City city, though kinda noobie: it’s the 60023 Lego City Starter Set:

Lego City 60023 Lego City Starter Set

Lego City 60023 Lego City Starter Set

As the name implies it’s something to get kids started off with -it includes a break separator tool- so it wasnt really something awesome. I figured I could use with some more emergency vehicles and mini-figs (especially the kid). Furthermore, Lego kinda skimps on the amount of jewels they give you with sets, so more jewels is more good 😀

Lego City 60023 Lego City Starter Set- back

Lego City 60023 Lego City Starter Set- back